Please consider sponsoring Berlanda


Let us introduce you to Berlanda, one of our young Choix emerging leaders.

The image above is this student's most recent school photo. Please click on the images below it to explore photos and information about the impact your sponsorship could have on your sponsored student's health, nutrition and overall academic program.

Sponsor Berlanda by clicking here!

For information about pricing and our program, please scroll down.

The Choix Sponsorship Program

The Choix Sponsorship Program has made such an enormous impact on the lives of our students, their families and our community and is central to the hope and strength that our students sense on a day-to-day basis, as well as to Choix's fiscal sustainability.

Sponsorships help to support our programs at Choix and allow sponsors to engage with our students in a more personal manner, if they wish, through email communications. More information on the process of these communications will be shared once your sponsorship is complete.

Sponsorship Levels

Sponsorships may be paid online through our safe and easy PayPal service, which also allows you to choose automatic monthly, recurring payments, or a one-time annual contribution.

  • Nutritional Sponsorship = $30/month ($360/year):

    covers a student's nutritional needs, morning snack, a warm meal, clean drinking water, access to our on-site nurse, and wellness management.

  • Full Tuition Sponsorship = $200/month ($2,400/year):

    covers the entire cost to educate a student at Choix, including a superlative trilingual leadership development education program, and both the Haitian National Curriculum taught by degreed and certified teachers, as well as supplemental enrichment such as high quality technology enhancements, athletics (both developmental and competitive), arts and culture, textbooks, uniforms, all school supplies and materials, nutrition, wellness, a full-time nurse, clean drinking water, community development programs for her or his family, and more.

Questions? Contact Us

If you have any questions at all about our Sponsorship Program, our process, payment methods, or about Choix's academic programs or other projects, please do not hesitate to contact our Choix Board Chair, Laura P. Hartman at or our Director of Operations, Ione at